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ИМ по английскому языку (Отборочный тур)
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5 класс. Блок № 2
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Задание № 1

Read the text and choose if the statements below the text are TRUE or FALSE.

One morning a little, boy called Nick, arrived at the supermarket with his mum. She took out her shopping list. They went over to the apples. There were lots of different kinds of apples. “Can we have some red apples, please?” asked Nick. He stood on his tiptoes and got one. One apple, two apples but just as Nick was going to get the third one, it fell out of his fingers. It rolled like a ball and just didn’t stop. It didn’t stop at the fridges with yoghurts. Then behind him his mum came pushing the trolley. The apple stopped at the checkout at last and Nick picked it up. “Oh, well done,” said mum. She was a little out of breath. “Shall we pay for our shopping now?” asked Nick. “What shopping?” said his mum. Nick looked at the trolley. It was completely empty. “Where is our shopping?” he asked. Mum laughed, “I didn’t have time to stop and choose anything. I was too busy following you”.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
1. Nick wasn’t at the supermarket alone.
A)True Это правильный ответ
B) False
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
2. He and his mother wanted to buy a kilo of bananas.
B) False Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
3. All the apples fell on the floor.
B) False Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
4. The trolley was full of apples and yoghurts.
B) False Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
5. Mum was a bit tired to run after her son.
A) True Это правильный ответ
B) False
Вопрос № 6 1 балла(ов)
6. Mum didn’t pay at the checkout.
A) True Это правильный ответ
B) False
Вопрос № 7 1 балла(ов)

Read the sentences and choose the best answer (A, B or C).

What’s the matter? Have you got a headache?

A) No, thanks. I don’t want one.
B) No, I’ve got a toothache. Это правильный ответ
C) No, I haven’t got one.
Вопрос № 8 1 балла(ов)
Do you want a drink of water?
A)Yes, please. Это правильный ответ
B)Yes, it is.
C)Yes, I had.
Вопрос № 9 1 балла(ов)
Is your mum at home?
A) It’s his new home
B)Next to the bus station.
C) Only my dad’s here today. Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 10 1 балла(ов)
Choose the word (A, B or C) that is the best for the gap.

Some years ago Peter’s uncle 10 ________ in the country. Once Peter 11 _______ to stay there for a few weeks. Whenever they went for a walk or for a 12 ______ in the car and they passed somebody, his uncle waved. Peter was surprised and said, “Uncle George, you know everybody here. Where did you meet 13 _____ all?” “I don’t know these people “ 14 ________ his uncle. “Then 15 ________ do you wave them?” asked Peter. His uncle answered “When I wave to someone and he knows 16 ______ , he is very pleased. He 17 _______ his journey with a happier heart. But when I wave to someone and he 18 _______ know me, he says to 19 ________ , “Who is that man? Why did he wave to me?” So he has something to think 20 _______ during the rest of his journey.

A) lived Это правильный ответ
B) lives
C) is living
Вопрос № 11 1 балла(ов)
A) go
B) went Это правильный ответ
C) will stay
Вопрос № 12 1 балла(ов)
A) drive Это правильный ответ
B) drove
C) driven
Вопрос № 13 1 балла(ов)
A) they
B) their
C) them Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 14 1 балла(ов)
A) told
B) asked
C) said Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 15 1 балла(ов)
A) when
B) why Это правильный ответ
C) how
Вопрос № 16 1 балла(ов)
A) my
B) I
C) me Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 17 1 балла(ов)
A) continued
B) continues Это правильный ответ
C) continue
Вопрос № 18 1 балла(ов)
A) doesn’t Это правильный ответ
B) didn’t
C) don’t
Вопрос № 19 1 балла(ов)
A) herself
B) himself Это правильный ответ
C) themselves
Вопрос № 20 1 балла(ов)
A) about Это правильный ответ
B) around
C) for
Вопрос № 21 1 балла(ов)
Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each description.

21. People laugh when they see this person with his round red nose, big feet and strange clothes.
A) a clown Это правильный ответ
B) a journalist
C) a driver
Вопрос № 22 1 балла(ов)
22. An ambulance might take you here if you are very ill.
A) a theatre
B) a hospital Это правильный ответ
C) an airport
Вопрос № 23 1 балла(ов)
23. If you want to be one of these, you need to be very good at drawing or painting.
A) an artist Это правильный ответ
B) an actor
C) a fireman
Вопрос № 24 1 балла(ов)
24. This person writes in a newspaper about things that have happened.
A) a teacher
B)a journalist Это правильный ответ
C) a secretary
Вопрос № 25 1 балла(ов)
25. People have these every day. Breakfast is one of them.
A) sugar
B) burgers
C) meals Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 26 1 балла(ов)

26. Who is the Head of State in Britain?
A) the Queen Это правильный ответ
B)the Prime Minister
C)the Mayor
Вопрос № 27 1 балла(ов)
27. What colour are the taxes in London?
B)black Это правильный ответ
A) red
Вопрос № 28 1 балла(ов)
28. What is the official residence of the Queen?
A) Westminster Abbey
B) the White House
C) Buckingham Palace Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 29 1 балла(ов)
29. What city does the group Beatles come from?
A) London
B) Liverpool Это правильный ответ
C) New York
Вопрос № 30 1 балла(ов)
30. The Loch Ness Monster lives in the lake in…
A) Scotland Это правильный ответ
B) England