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Английский язык. Школьный тур
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8 класс. Блок № 2
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Задание № 1
Блок № 2

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Задание № 1

I. Reading

I.I Read the article and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

In 1995 Greg began a journey round Britain on a unicycle, a bike with only one wheel. He had already made a documentary film about his experiences travelling round Europe in a 50-year-old car. He was mad about motor sport and had a job building racing car engines. To save money, Greg rode to work in his city on an old bicycle, which he also used to go to France on holiday. “That trip opened my eyes,” he said. “I decided to do a tour of Britain by bike”.
He didn’t want a normal touring bike, and he knew he wanted to build one himself. “The craziest bicycle I could think of was a unicycle, so I went to a factory to see how they are made.” After one false start in 1994, when he had to turn back because of a knee injury, he finally set out in 1995. He was away for four months and travelled over 8500 km.
The best bit of the trip was arriving in Wales and seeing Mount Snowdon. “Although I met cyclists who could easily ride up mountains on their bikes, which I couldn’t do, I never regretted my unicycle. The furthest away from London I got, the more amazed people seemed by it.” His worst moment came when he had to drink some dirty water from a stream. A serious fever kept him in bed in hospital for five long days. He was determined not to give up and go back home before he had completed his challenge, but found it hard to carry on because he felt so weak. Yet despite all this, he now says, “If I could afford it, I would like to do something similar again.”
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
1. What is the writer trying to do in this text?
A. advise people to take adventure holidays.
B. explain a rather unusual choice of transport Это правильный ответ
C. suggests the benefits of a special vehicle.
D. persuade people to travel long distances.
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
2. What made Greg realize he wanted to cycle round Britain?
A. touring Europe in an old car.
B. visiting a unicycle factory
C. attending motor races abroad.
D. taking his bike to another country. Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
3. When Greg met other cyclists in the mountains, he was
A. anxious to get away from them
B. satisfied with his own type of bicycle. Это правильный ответ
C. jealous of what they were able to do.
D. surprised by their attitude towards him.
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
4. What was Greg’s biggest problem?
A. He fell ill for nearly a week. Это правильный ответ
B. He had to go home to rest.
C. He wanted to finish his trip early.
D. He took too long to get to one place.

Задание № 2
Read the dialogue between Helen and Mark talking about a TV series called Madison. Mark the correct answer: A for True, B for False.
Helen: Hi, Mark. How are doing?
Mark: Hello, Helen, I am good. Did you watch Madison yesterday?
Helen: I did. Great, wasn’t it? The whole series has been fantastic. The final show was hard to follow though – there was so much happening.
Mark: You had to concentrate to keep up, for sure.
Helen: I wonder if that’s why the series is so popular?
Mark: Actually, I think the hero Dr.Madison is the reason why it’s a hit. He’s a really unusual person to have as a central character – sort of brilliant doctor one minute, big kid the next. People find him interesting.
Helen: I am with you on that. I guess the series is about him growing up, accepting he’s got to be responsible and follow the rules.
Mark: I hadn’t thought of it that way. You could see it as Dr.Madison running away from his problems, not dealing with things.
Helen: Except he can’t do that forever, can he? In the next series, he’s going to have to sort things out.
Mark: Well, the series has certainly got us talking, hasn’t it?
Helen: Absolutely! I learnt a lot from it too. The personal stories of some of the characters were fascinating –
watching Dr.Madison work out how to help them was like watching a detective at work. I’d never thought the two jobs could be at all the same before.
Mark: I thought as a character he was very amusing too. I know a lot of people were surprised by that. But I don’t see what’s so strange about finding a doctor funny. I don’t think I’ll ever find the time to watch it all again unfortunately, but I’d love too.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
1. They agree that the last show in the series was complicated.
A. True Это правильный ответ
B. False
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
Mark believes that the series is successful because of the main character.
A. True Это правильный ответ
B. False
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
3. They both admire the main character’s behaviour.
A. True
B. False Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
4. Helen thinks that the main character has similar skills to a detective.
A. True Это правильный ответ
B. False
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
5. Mark was surprised to find the main character so funny.
A. True
B. False Это правильный ответ

Задание № 3
Use of English
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space (a,b,c or d).

If you ask many people to name a twentieth-century artist, they will suggest Picasso. Although he 1) … born in 1881 and died in 1973, the general public 2) … thinks of his work as modern art. His early paintings look traditional 3) … us nowadays, but his later work is less easy to understand, 4) … seventy years after he did it. One thing students should 5) … about Picasso is that he enjoyed a joke. This is clear 6) … we look at the drawings he made on dishes and pots. When we try to 7) … the importance of Picasso, we must not forget that he was a clever businessman as well as a great artist. Although poor when young, he was excellent 8) … selling his work, and he became extremely rich. He believed he was a great artist, and he could 9) … other people that he was too. Some people feel that there are other twentieth-century artists who should be 10) … famous, but this can only be decided in the future.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct word (a,b,c or d).
a. was Это правильный ответ
b. has
c. is
d. had
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct word (a,b,c or d).
a. yet
b. still Это правильный ответ
c. just
d. already
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct word (a,b,c or d).
a. with
b. by
c. to Это правильный ответ
d. for
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct word (a,b,c or d).
a. all
b. that
c. though
d. even Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct word (a,b,c or d).
a. remember Это правильный ответ
b. revise
c. review
d. remind
Вопрос № 6 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct word (a,b,c or d).
a. how
b. when Это правильный ответ
c. where
d. which
Вопрос № 7 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct word (a,b,c or d).
a. check
b. consist
c. judge Это правильный ответ
d. discover
Вопрос № 8 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct word (a,b,c or d).
a. in
b. on
c. out
d. at Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 9 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct word (a,b,c or d).
a. persuade Это правильный ответ
b. insist
c. decide
d. agree
Вопрос № 10 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct word (a,b,c or d).
a. actually
b. presently
c. fairly
d. equally Это правильный ответ

Вопрос № 1 5 балла(ов)
Match the verbs to the nouns and the sentences with gaps.
a) Can you …? Or would you prefer tea? Правильно:31. dig a hole
b) Can you … , please? He's looking hungry. Правильно:42. boil some water
c) I always forget to … and then they suddenly die. Правильно:53. pour the coffee
d) If we're going to plant that tree, we need to … first. Правильно:14. feed the dog
e) I'm going to make some pasta. First I need to … Правильно:25. water the plants

Задание № 5
In each pair of sentences below, the missing word is the same but its meaning is different. Match the words with the sentences they can be used in.
Вопрос № 1 5 балла(ов)
1. As the president got out of his car, he gave the crowd a big … .
A big … carried the surfer all the way back to the beach.
1. flat
2. She lives in a … right in the centre of Boston.
Please keep these photos …. Pack them at the bottom of your suitcase.
2. fair
3. I looked for my glasses for twenty minutes before I found them on my … .
She's got a really important job. She's the … of a big bank
3. wave
4. We travelled from London to Glasgow by …
This is Mr Davies, the new athletics …
4. coach
5. He had blue eyes and … hair.
As a child I used to love going to the … . I really enjoyed going on all the rides.
5. head

Задание № 6
Country study
Choose the correct option a, b, c, d.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
1. What is the most ancient monument in Great Britain?
a) the Lower West Gate
b) Stonehenge Это правильный ответ
c) Hadrian's Wall
d) the Tower Gate
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
2. What is English marmalade?
a) apple jam
b) orange jam Это правильный ответ
c) sweets
d) a cake
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
3. The British money is ....
a) franks
b) dollars
c) crones
d) pounds Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
4. In the United States "down town" means ... .
a) away from the centre
b) in the centre Это правильный ответ
c) in a suburb
d) a small town
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
5. The midday meal in Britain is called ... .
a) breakfast
b) lunch Это правильный ответ
c) dinner
d) snack