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ИМ по английскому языку (Отборочный тур)
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6 класс. Блок № 1
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Задание № 1


Read the text “The Big Apple” and say if the statements below the text are true false or not stated according to the text.

The Big Apple

A lot of cities throughout the world have been given nicknames that reflect their personality. Paris is called the "City of Lights" and Rome is known as the "Eternal City". One question that both New Yorkers and tourists often ask is, “Why is New York City called 'The Big Apple'?"
Over the years there have been several stories. The most popular and widely accepted is that in the early 1920s, a reporter for the Morning Telegraph newspaper overheard African-American stable hands in New Orleans use the term "big apple" while talking about the racetracks of New York. But the people who really made the phrase "big apple" popular were the jazz musicians who would refer to New York City, and especially Harlem, as "the big apple", the town where everyone wanted to perform. If you could pick any apple off the tree, why not pick the big apple? Then in the 1970s, the visitors' bureau in New York City created a publicity campaign for the city. They used a "big apple" as the centre of the campaign, making the apple synonymous with New York and inviting visitors to "take a bite out of the apple". Now stores, maps, tour books, web sites and more feature this symbol of New York City.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
1. The cities’ nicknames reflect how big the cities are.
a. true
b. false Это правильный ответ
c. not stated
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
2. Nobody knows for sure where the name ‘The Big Apple’ comes from.
a. true
b. false Это правильный ответ
c. not stated
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
3. One of the theories is that the name comes from people working with horses.
a. true Это правильный ответ
b. false
c. not stated
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
4. Jazz musicians used the name ‘The Big Apple’ as a metaphor for an ambitious goal.
a. true Это правильный ответ
b. false
c. not stated
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
5. The expression “take a bite out of the apple” was used to warn visitors about the dangers of New York.
a. true
b. false Это правильный ответ
c. not stated
Вопрос № 6 1 балла(ов)
6. Today apple is the only symbol of New York.
a. true
b. false
c. not stated Это правильный ответ

Задание № 2

Name that city!

Here is a list of nicknames for some of America's best known cities. Can you match the nickname to the town it represents'?

Вопрос № 1 6 балла(ов)
Tinseltown (This is a city of movie stars and make-believe) Правильно:61. Los Angeles
The Big Easy (This southern city has a French style and a relaxed atmosphere) Правильно:32. Las Vegas
The City of Angels (This west coast city's nickname comes from its Spanish translation) Правильно:13. New Orleans
The Golden Gate City (This city is named after a saint and nicknamed for one of its famous bridges) Правильно:54. Denver
The Mile High City (This city sits high in the west near the Rocky Mountains) Правильно:45. San Francisco
Sin City (Casinos, gambling and all-night fun gave this city its nickname) Правильно:26. Hollywood

Задание № 3

Choose the correct option for each gap in the text “Manhattan History”.

Manhattan History

A lot is 1. ________ about New York, the modern city, but the history of the island of Manhattan is harder to imagine. It's difficult to imagine Manhattan without skyscrapers or taxi cabs and with very 2. ________ inhabitants. But of course, that's the way it was long ago. Did you know Broadway was originally an Indian trail? You may be 3. ________ at what else you find out....
Native Americans communities 4. ________ on the island of "Manahtin" for some time before Henry Hudson arrived in 1609. Manahtin was the name the Algonquin Indians gave the island. Hudson was exploring rivers in North America and was the first non-Native American to step onto the island. Hudson left Manahtin and continued 5. ________ up the river. The river was eventually named "Hudson" after him. By 1625, 6. ________ Dutch made a settlement on the island and started a trading post. In 1626, the Dutch Governor General Peter Minuit bought the island of Manhattan from the Indians for 60 guilders - only $24! When the Dutch 7. ________ on the island of Manahtin, they 8.________ their settlement New Amsterdam. But in 1664, the British became the owners of the island and then the Dutch had 9. ________ under the British king. The British king, Charles, gave the island a new name - New York, after James, Duke of York, brother of the king. The Dutch and British continued fighting and in 1689 the Dutch recaptured New York and renamed it New Orange. Then, in 1670, New York became British again, after the Treaty of Westminster.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #1
a. knowledge
b. known Это правильный ответ
c. know
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #2
a. few Это правильный ответ
b. little
c. some
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #3
a. surprise
b. surprising
c. surprised Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #4
a. living
b. lived
c. had been living Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #5
a. travel
b. travelling Это правильный ответ
c. travelled
Вопрос № 6 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #6
a. the Это правильный ответ
b. a
c. -
Вопрос № 7 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #7
a. had lived
b. were living Это правильный ответ
c. would live
Вопрос № 8 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #8
a. were naming
b. had named
c. named Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 9 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #9
a. to live Это правильный ответ
b. live
c. living

Задание № 4

Choose the correct half of compound adjectives to fill in the gaps in the text ‘City of the World’.

City of the World

Years of practically 1. non-________ immigration from all the corners of the globe have made New York the most international city in the world. Immigrants arrived 2. wide-________ and in awe of the enormous and 3. densely ________ city. Today, there are so many different cultural groups living in New York City, you'd be 4. hard ________ to list them all. Many families arrived as long ago as the 1600sand others continue to arrive even today. Many of these people started out with several jobs and lived under very difficult conditions to become 5. well ________ and accomplished members of the community. One of the things that made the adjustment to a new world easier was living in familiar community. In these neighbourhoods, many 6. deep-________ cultural traditions are still practised today. Traditions are valued even if some members of the younger generation consider them to be 7. old-________ . One of the best ways to enjoy and learn a little about these 8. multi-________ cultures is to attend one of their celebrations. Some of the most 9. widely ________ and popular celebrations in New York City are St. Patrick's Day, Chinese New Year, Puerto Rican Day Parade and the San Gennaro Festival in Little Italy.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #1
a) end
b) finish
c) stop Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #2
a) open
b) eyed Это правильный ответ
c) known
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #3
a) populated Это правильный ответ
b) population
c) popular
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #4
a) pressed Это правильный ответ
b) faced
c) handed
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #5
a) paid
b) done
c) respected Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 6 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #6
a) seated
b) rooted Это правильный ответ
c) felt
Вопрос № 7 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #7
a) time
b) world
c) fashioned Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 8 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #8
a) coloured
b) faceted Это правильный ответ
c) faced
Вопрос № 9 1 балла(ов)
Choose the correct option for #9
a) known Это правильный ответ
b) used
c) know