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ИМ по английскому языку. Отборочный тур.
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5 класс. Блок № 1
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Задание № 1
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 –False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England is the biggest of the four countries. The capital city of England is London.
The English Channel is in the south between England and France. People travel to France by ferry across the English Channel or by train through the Channel Tunnel which goes under the sea.
There are many large cities in England. They are Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds and Bristol. Outside cities, England is a very green country and has many rural areas of natural beauty such as the Lake District, an area with lots of lakes in the north, and the New Forest, a big area of forest in the south of the country.
The national flag of England is white with a red cross. It is called the St George’s Cross and Saint George is the patron saint of England. St George’s Day is on 23 April, but it’s not a public holiday. The rose is the national flower of England.
The official language of England is English, which is spoken today by millions of people all over the world. Many students go to England from other countries to study the language and learn about the culture.
The climate is mild, wet and the weather is changeable in England. The weather often changes in England. This is because of the Atlantic Ocean. The winds blowing from the Atlantic are warm and wet.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
1. England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom.
1. True Это правильный ответ
2. False
3. Not stated
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
2. The English Channel is huge.
1. True
2. False
3. Not stated Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
3. The population of the country is about 51 million people.
1. True
2. False
3. Not stated Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
4. England has a lot of large cities.
1. True Это правильный ответ
2. False
3. Not stated
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
5. England has beautiful nature.
1. True Это правильный ответ
2. False
3. Not stated
Вопрос № 6 1 балла(ов)
6. The flag of England is white, blue and red.
1. True
2. False Это правильный ответ
3. Not stated
Вопрос № 7 1 балла(ов)
7. There are lots of different dialects of English in England.
1. True
2. False
3. Not stated Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 8 1 балла(ов)
8. The climate is severe in England.
1. True
2. False Это правильный ответ
3. Not stated

Задание № 2
Подберите заголовки (1-6) к текстам (А-Е). Один заголовок – лишний.
This text deals with …
1.  City attractions.
2.  A London cinema.
3.  A London theatre.
4.  A London street.
5.  Nature sights.
6.  A London museum.

A.  The Lake District, in the northwest of England, is a small area, but extremely beautiful, with the varied delights of soft hills and woodland and the panoramas of the great lakes. The Lake District is more often visited, both by day tourists and holidaymakers, than any other region of outstanding natural beauty in the British Isles.
B.  England's most ancient northern city lies on the River Ouse in the centre of the Vale of York between the Yorkshire Dales and the North York Moors. It was once the principal town of Yorkshire, and it remains the seat of the Archbishop of York. A child-friendly city, its Viking, Castle and Railway museums have plenty to engage young people as well as adults.
C.  Along the north part of Trafalgar Square is the famous National Gallery. Founded in 1824, the gallery has since grown into one of the most outstanding and comprehensive collections in the world, with a list of masters ranging from Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt to El Greco and Van Gogh.
D.  The London Coliseum famous for its richly decorated interiors was used for variety shows, musical comedies, and stage plays for many years. In 1974 its name was changed to the English National Opera. Today it is used primarily for opera as well as being the London home of the English National Ballet. When not on tour they perform regular seasons throughout the year.
E.  The Mall is London's impressive ceremonial way, a broad tree-lined avenue. The spectacular parade takes place here each June to celebrate the official Birthday of the Sovereign. Over 1,000 officers and men are on parade, together with two hundred horses; over two hundred musicians march and play as one.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
9. Text A deals with …
1.  City attractions.
2.  A London cinema.
3.  A London theatre.
4.  A London street.
5.  Nature sights. Это правильный ответ
6.  A London museum.
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
10. Text B deals with …
1.  City attractions. Это правильный ответ
2.  A London cinema.
3.  A London theatre.
4.  A London street.
5.  Nature sights.
6.  A London museum.
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
11. Text C deals with …
1.  City attractions.
2.  A London cinema.
3.  A London theatre.
4.  A London street.
5.  Nature sights.
6.  A London museum. Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
12. Text D deals with …
1.  City attractions.
2.  A London cinema.
3.  A London theatre. Это правильный ответ
4.  A London street.
5.  Nature sights.
6.  A London museum.
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
13. Text E deals with …
1.  City attractions.
2.  A London cinema.
3.  A London theatre.
4.  A London street. Это правильный ответ
5.  Nature sights.
6.  A London museum.

Задание № 3
Read the text and choose the right word for each gap.
Sport is very important in England, and people enjoy going to big sports events or watching them on TV and playing sport in their free time. Some of 14 ________ world sports are football, rugby, cricket, golf and tennis – 15____________ started in England, and 16_________ from all around the world come here for some of its great sports events. In 2012, the Olympics 17___________ in England, and millions of people from around the world came to London to watch many different sports of the Olympics and the Paralympics. New sports stadiums were built, including the main Olympic stadium, a basketball arena and a velopark, for 18_________. It was a very 19_____________ year for the country.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
a) popular
b) the most popular Это правильный ответ
c) more popular
d) popularest
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
a) one
b) ones
c) first Это правильный ответ
d) once
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
a) people Это правильный ответ
b) person
c) persons
d) peoples
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
a) were holded
b) were hold
c) were helded
d) were held Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
a) have cycled
b) cycling Это правильный ответ
c) cycle
d) cycled
Вопрос № 6 1 балла(ов)
a) more exciting
b) excitinger
c) most exciting
d) exciting Это правильный ответ

Задание № 4
Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из списка. Два слова в списке - лишние.

A. breakfast
B. traditionally
C. festivals
D. always
E. dessert
F. dried
G. desert
H. religious

There are special days and 20__________ throughout the year in England, but only a few are bank holidays – days when people do not have to work. Christmas in one of the most important 21__________ festivals in England. Christmas Day, 25th December, and the next day, Boxing Day, are 22__________ bank holidays, and most people spend this time with family or friends. 23____________, people eat turkey on Christmas Day. For the 24__________ there is usually Christmas pudding, a type of cake made with 25__________ fruit.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
A. breakfast
B. traditionally
C. festivals Это правильный ответ
D. always
E. dessert
F. dried
G. desert
H. religious
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
A. breakfast
B. traditionally
C. festivals
D. always
E. dessert
F. dried
G. desert
H. religious Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
A. breakfast
B. traditionally
C. festivals
D. always Это правильный ответ
E. dessert
F. dried
G. desert
H. religious
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
A. breakfast
B. traditionally Это правильный ответ
C. festivals
D. always
E. dessert
F. dried
G. desert
H. religious
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
A. breakfast
B. traditionally
C. festivals
D. always
E. dessert Это правильный ответ
F. dried
G. desert
H. religious
Вопрос № 6 1 балла(ов)
A. breakfast
B. traditionally
C. festivals
D. always
E. dessert
F. dried Это правильный ответ
G. desert
H. religious

Задание № 5

Match the sights with the given information.
Вопрос № 1 5 балла(ов)
26. A. The Tower of London Правильно:41. It serves as the meeting place for both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the two houses of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It lies on the north bank of the River Thames in the City of Westminster.
27. B. St Paul’s Cathedral Правильно:32. It is a London royal residence. It was a large townhouse built in 1703 on a site that had been in private ownership for at least 150 years.
28. C. Westminster Abbey Правильно:53. It was designed by Sir Christopher Wren in the 17th century. It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years to build this masterpiece.
29. D. The Palace of Westminster Правильно:14. It was founded by Julius Caesar and rebuilt in the 11th century by William the Conqueror. For many centuries it has been a fortress. But at various periods of history it was also used as a Royal Palace, a prison and even a Royal Zoo.
30. E. Buckingham Palace Правильно:25. It is the building where from the Norman times British monarchs have been crowned and later buried.