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ИМ по английскому языку. Отборочный тур.
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6 класс. Блок № 2
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Задание № 1
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 –False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.

Scotland is a one of the most attractive and visited countries in the world. It is a part of the United Kingdom and it lies in the northern part of Great Britain. It occupies almost one-third of the island. The southern border is shared with England. Its northern, western and eastern parts are washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. The total area of the state is about 78 thousand km2. The population of Scotland is 5 million people.
Scotland is known for its breathtaking landscapes. The highest mountain in the British Isles, Ben Nevis, is situated there. It is located in Scottish Highlands. A famous British poet and lyricist Robert Burns wrote many poems and songs about these highlands. The lakes of Scotland are called “lochs”. Perhaps, the most famous lake is Loch Ness. Many people dream of visiting Loch Ness which is considered to be one of the Scotland’s largest lakes, because they hope to see the legendary Loch ness monster there and take some photos with it. Many of the rivers of Scotland are short. The longest river of Scotland is the Tay; the Clyde, however, is the principal navigational stream.
As for the climate, Scotland has temperate winters and cool summers. The most common species of trees in Scotland are oak, fir, pine, and larch. The only large mammal in Scotland is the deer. Other mammals are the hare, rabbit, otter, ermine, pine marten, and wildcat. Scotland is famous for the salmon and trout that abound in its streams and lakes. Many species of fish, including cod, haddock, herring, and various types of shellfish, are found in the coastal waters.
The largest and most visited cities in the country are Edinburgh and Glasgow. While Edinburgh is the historical, cultural and educational heart of Scotland, Glasgow is its financial and industrial center. Other major and attractive cities are Aberdeen, Dundee, Inverness, Livingstone, and Perth.
Scottish flag is known as St. Andrew’s cross or the Saltire. It’s a white cross on a blue background. According to the legend St. Andrew was the patron saint of Scotland, who was crucified on the similar cross.
Having so many rivers, lakes, highlands and green areas, this country is believed to have one of most beautiful sceneries in the world.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
1. Two million tourists visit Scotland every year.
1. True
2. False
3. Not stated Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
2. England lies to the south of Scotland.
1. True Это правильный ответ
2. False
3. Not stated
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
3. The North Sea belongs to the Arctic Ocean.
1. True
2. False Это правильный ответ
3. Not stated
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
4. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Scotland.
1. True Это правильный ответ
2. False
3. Not stated
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
5. British people like to take photos with Nessie.
1. True
2. False
3. Not stated Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 6 1 балла(ов)
6. Summers in Scotland are not usually hot.
1. True Это правильный ответ
2. False
3. Not stated
Вопрос № 7 1 балла(ов)
7. The mammals of Scotland are really big.
1. True
2. False Это правильный ответ
3. Not stated
Вопрос № 8 1 балла(ов)
8. Of all Scottish towns, Edinburgh and Glasgow are the most popular.
1. True Это правильный ответ
2. False
3. Not stated

Задание № 2

Подберите заголовки к текстам А – Е. Один заголовок – лишний.
This text deals with …
1) a small mountain
2) a historic building
3) traditional food
4) a picture gallery
5) a historic object
6) the arts

A. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. One of the most popular places to visit here is Edinburgh Castle. The Castle is the symbol of Edinburgh. It has stood on the Castle Rock since the 12-th century. The historians say that this castle has seen more wars than any other place in the world.
B. One of the most important things kept in Edinburgh castle is the Stone of Destiny. It was used for crowning the kings of Scotland. It was stolen by the kings of England and many wars were fought between these countries for 700 years.
C. Edinburgh was built on 7 hills. The highest hill is called King Arthur’s Seat. It is popular with tourists as it is east to climb and from there you can see beautiful views of the city. The name comes from the legends about King Arthur and Camelot.
D. Tourists visiting Edinburgh can try some of the best of Scotland’s national dish – haggis. Haggis is a pudding made from sheep’s heart, liver and lungs, mixed with onion, spices and salt. Some myths say that haggis was a creature that lived in the Scottish Highlands.
E. Edinburgh hosts several festivals from July to September. The most famous ones are Edinburgh International Festival and Edinburgh Book Festival. Many theatre groups and writers come to these festivals. Anyone can take part in them with any type of performance.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
9. Text A deals with …
1) a small mountain
2) a historic building Это правильный ответ
3) traditional food
4) a picture gallery
5) a historic object
6) the arts
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
10. Text B deals with …
1) a small mountain
2) a historic building
3) traditional food
4) a picture gallery
5) a historic object Это правильный ответ
6) the arts
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
11. Text C deals with …
1) a small mountain Это правильный ответ
2) a historic building
3) traditional food
4) a picture gallery
5) a historic object
6) the arts
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
12. Text D deals with …
1) a small mountain
2) a historic building
3) traditional food Это правильный ответ
4) a picture gallery
5) a historic object
6) the arts
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
13. Text E deals with …
1) a small mountain
2) a historic building
3) traditional food
4) a picture gallery
5) a historic object
6) the arts Это правильный ответ

Задание № 3

Read the letter and choose the right word for each gap.
Dear Ann,
Thank you for your letter. I’m glad to come to Aberdeen in July to visit me and 14_____ family. I’m sure you 15_____ like it here.
I think the 16_____ difficult thing for you will be to understand the Scottish language. It is very old. Some people in Western Highlands and the Western Isles still speak it. Let me tell you a few things about Aberdeen. It’s 17___ third largest city in Scotland after Edinburgh and Glasgow. We live in a detached house not far from the centre. It’s about twenty minutes 18 ___ bus.
I’ve got a sister. She’s quite nice. She is 2 years older 19____ me.
Well, I hope this information is interesting for you. Please write back and tell me about your family.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
a) ourselves
b) us
c) our Это правильный ответ
d) ours
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
a) do
b) will Это правильный ответ
c) did
d) have
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
a) many
b) more
c) most Это правильный ответ
d) much
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
a) the Это правильный ответ
b) a
c) an
d) –
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
a) by Это правильный ответ
b) on
c) in
d) for
Вопрос № 6 1 балла(ов)
a) then
b) than Это правильный ответ
c) this
d) that

Задание № 4

Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из списка. Два слова в списке - лишние.
A. hours
B. reading
C. children
D. holiday
E. date
F. singing
G. women
H. birthday


There is a national holiday in Scotland connected with the name of the famous poet Robert Burns. Burns Night is annually celebrated in Scotland on or around January 25. Robert Burns was born on January 25, 1759. The day also celebrates Burns' contribution to Scottish culture. His best known work is “Auld Lang Syne”.
Burns Night is not a public 20_____. Businesses have normal opening 21 _____. Haggis, neeps and tatties are traditionally eaten in Scotland on Burns Night.
Many people and organizations hold a Burns supper on or around Burns Night. The first Burns supper was on July 21, the anniversary of his death, in Ayrshire, Scotland, in the late 1700s. The 22_____was later changed to January 25, which marks his 23_____. These may be informal or formal, only for men, only for 24_____ or for both. Formal events include 25_____ poems written by Robert Burns.
Burns Night is not a bank holiday in the United Kingdom but people have a lot of fun.
Вопрос № 1 1 балла(ов)
A. hours
B. reading
C. children
D. holiday Это правильный ответ
E. date
F. singing
G. women
H. birthday
Вопрос № 2 1 балла(ов)
A. hours Это правильный ответ
B. reading
C. children
D. holiday
E. date
F. singing
G. women
H. birthday
Вопрос № 3 1 балла(ов)
A. hours
B. reading
C. children
D. holiday
E. date Это правильный ответ
F. singing
G. women
H. birthday
Вопрос № 4 1 балла(ов)
A. hours
B. reading
C. children
D. holiday
E. date
F. singing
G. women
H. birthday Это правильный ответ
Вопрос № 5 1 балла(ов)
A. hours
B. reading
C. children
D. holiday
E. date
F. singing
G. women Это правильный ответ
H. birthday
Вопрос № 6 1 балла(ов)
A. hours
B. reading Это правильный ответ
C. children
D. holiday
E. date
F. singing
G. women
H. birthday

Задание № 5
Match the name of the writer or poet of Scotland with the given information
Вопрос № 1 5 балла(ов)
26. A. George Gordon Byron Правильно:41. He is a Scottish writer-neoromantic. He used the elements of fantasy in his books. The most famous novels are “The Black Arrow” and “The Treasure Island”.
27. B. Walter Scott Правильно:52. He is a detective writer who is the author of fantastic and historical novels. His stories about Sherlock Holmes are very popular.
28. C. Robert Louis Stevenson Правильно:13. He is a famous Poet of Scotland. In his poems he wrote about nature, people and their work, freedom, friendship and love.
29. D. Robert Burns Правильно:34. He is a romantic poet. He wrote a famous poem about Child Harold.
30. E. Arthur Conan Doyle Правильно:25. He is a Scottish writer and poet. Some of his novels are about the history of Scotland. His best novels are “Ivanhoe” and “Rob Roy”.